Moments of Wonder

Hello, magical friends. It has been a little while. If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, you will know that the time was not idle for me, but blog posts have been difficult to conjure. I have a small list of ideas for posts, but none have had time to come to fruition yet. I didn’t want to leave the blog silent any longer though, so here’s a simple share.

I’ve been struggling mightily lately with feelings of despair for this increasingly apocalyptic world. However, the case still remains that noticing small moments of daily magic, beauty, and wonder can help strengthen us through what is happening. It’s not a remedy, but it helps. 

I have kept a daily journal for almost a year now (first on paper, lately on a note on my phone to make it easier) of just the joys in each day. These could be as small as “had a little girl say she liked my flower crown at work and gave her dog a biscuit at the drive up window” or even “a new flower bloomed in the garden today.” I thought it might be nice to sometimes share a list of these with you. So here are just a few of the more magical moments from the last five days or so.

Recent Wonders: 

A patron brought us in a dozen long stemmed red roses, knocked on the drive-up window, and handed it to me like an old romance movie 

Wikimedia image

A friend who lives in a house steps from the ocean in Oregon shared a video with me of her walking at night in a rare bioluminescent tide. 

I was lost in a fog of physical pain and anxiety on my way to work one day when a crow flew directly across the front of my car, and then started flying right alongside my car for a little while. 

After that, I got to work and said my usual greeting “Good morning junipers, good morning faeries, good morning goblins, good morning crows” and just as I said crows, a crow let out a single “CAW.” 

Learned about an incredible project a friend is doing in Chagford in the beautiful piece of woodland she owns. She will be honoring an ancient oak tree that fell in a nearby forest by creating what could be the longest oak table in her woodland. The image of such a magical object existing, and in a place where the most faerie-touched of creators gather to create and celebrate, it got my mind and heart and spirit buzzing with joy and excitement. 

Came close to finishing the first draft of a short story I’m writing called “Much Blanding.” I think I’ll finish it soon. 

Discovered a new-to-me area at the local arboretum: a stumpery. It’s nestled in a hollow underneath a bridge, in liminal space, and it’s filled with twisting tree roots intermingled with unusual and beautiful plants.

Received a new member of the faemily from artist Armorel Hamilton: a jackalope girl. (Second photo by Armorel) I am utterly smitten.

That same evening, as I was closing the blinds, there was a rabbit sitting in the middle of the road in the dark. I went out the front door and walked up to her, clapping my hands to gently shoo her off the road. She ran to the sidewalk across the street, which still wasn’t safe enough for me, so I kept walking. She let me get to about five feet away from her, watching me, and then she ran into my neighbor’s yard. Lagomorph magic for a jackalope girl.

Not every day is going to have moments of momentous magic, but as you write them down, they become even more mythical and magical. Your life becomes more of a story. You become more of a main character. (Ahh, I’m spoiling the topic of an upcoming blog post!) It helps. Really it does. And even on the darkest days, I’ve been able to find something to write, even if it is “tomorrow is a new day.” 

Maybe give it a try?